Meta, Google & Microsoft Ads

How we supported Evolve Organic Beauty in growing new customers by 40%

Driving growth through Meta, Google & Microsoft ads for a natural beauty brand.

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Ethical Brands


Meta, Google & Microsoft Ads



Evolve Organic Beauty is an award-winning natural skincare brand. We started working together in January 2022, with the goal of scaling sitewide new customers at a profitable CPA & ROAS.

Project Execution

We tested various different setups & strategies over the last two and a half years to support new customer growth, with the most impactful summarised below.

Focusing Bidding On New Customers

We ran tests & discovered that returning customers were being sufficiently re-engaged through email & organic channels without paid Meta, so excluded returning customers from our campaigns, allowing us to direct our whole budget to new customers, where Meta would have the greatest incremental impact.

We found that our search campaigns still had a role to play for returning customers, competing against resellers & similar products in the text & shopping results. As a result, we assigned an additional estimated new customer lifetime value to new customers, rather than only targeting new customers. This encouraged Google to bid more aggressively to acquire new customers, but continued to show ads to returners.

Target Setting, Forecasting & Budgeting

We worked with Evolve to set targets & budgets for paid channels that would allow us to hit sitewide new customer growth targets. 

We agreed profitable new customer CPA & ROAS targets, that if we were achieving, we could continue to push budgets within our channels. Having a CPA/ROAS target to work to rather than a strict budget allowed us to push spend to get maximum return from key sales moments, without a lengthy approval process for budget increases.

Ensured Optimal Tracking

We ensured we were following the latest best practices for conversion tracking, to report on, & provide the platforms’ algorithms with the highest quality data on user behaviour. 

We used Advanced Matching in Meta, server-side tracking, as well as enhanced conversions in Google & Advanced Consent Mode V2.

Meta Creative Variety & Advantage+ Campaigns

In Meta, through extensive creative testing, we found a number of factors that led to strong performance. We incorporated these factors into a wide variety of creatives, highlighting different products, USPs, customer needs etc. 

At any one time, we would run 10-20 of these creatives in a broad Advantage+ campaign, allowing Meta to optimise between them, & update the creative mix regularly.

Syncing Marketing Activity

Aligning our channel activity with PR, promotion calendars, new product launches & organic campaigns allowed us to hit potential new customers with a unified message across all touchpoints, creating a more impactful ‘moment’.

We were also able to guide internal marketing efforts based on what we observed in our platforms e.g. feeding back on products/messaging that were performing well.


Since working together, monthly sitewide new customers have increased ~40%:

This growth was driven by monthly Meta new customers increasing x6, & monthly Google purchases x2.5:



Do good, better

If you’re an ethical brand like Evolve Beauty, we would love to work with you. 

Get in touch below to see if we’d be a good fit.